Has BMW been bad to you? Did you buy a New BMW lemon? Have you spent too long at the service shop, dealing with "technicians" who think you're an idiot? Did the electrics start failing? Did your beautiful New BMW start stalling? What about that transmission? Did BMW tell you it was your imagination? Did your sub-frame crack? Did they promise they'd call you soon to arrange something?

Don't worry you're not the only one who bought a BMTroubleU, but now you can tell the world your real "BMW Experience" by simply emailing your story and images to rayone2.3456 AT blogger.com you need to replace ' AT ' with an '@' cos I get too much spam (privacy statement)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I finally got a reply from BMW

The letter is dated the 28th of March 2010 but unfortunately I never actually received the letter because Scott confused a 19 with a 16 in my address... so it was emailed to my lawyer on the 7th of April 2010.

Dear Mr 

Firstly, please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to your letter.

The concerns that have been raised in both your letter and previous emails with the attitude of
your BMW K 1300 R when riding have been reviewed once more in further detail.

Although we can appreciate the efforts you have gone to in attempting to find a cause to this perceived defect, the investigations made by qualified Technicians at two BMW Motorrad Dealers have failed to confirm this issue exists. In the interest of ensuring there is no underlying fault, Fraser Motorcycles went to the extra length of checking the alignment of your motorcycle, again no fault was identified. In the absence of a defect we are unfortunately unable to offer a solution to the issues you have raised, I trust you can understand our position on this matter.

It is also expected that slight differences will be detectable when comparing motorcycles, this can be as a result of assembly tolerances or possibly, a defect. Again, if you believe there is a defect with your motorcycle, your preferred BMW Motorrad Dealer will be able to assist you in confirming a fault is present and arranging the necessary repairs.

Thank you again for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention, if you would like to discuss this or any other issues regarding you BMW Motorcycle further please contact me on 03
9264 4187 during normal business hours or by return email.

Kind Regards,
Scott Norman
Technical Manager - Motorrad

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