Has BMW been bad to you? Did you buy a New BMW lemon? Have you spent too long at the service shop, dealing with "technicians" who think you're an idiot? Did the electrics start failing? Did your beautiful New BMW start stalling? What about that transmission? Did BMW tell you it was your imagination? Did your sub-frame crack? Did they promise they'd call you soon to arrange something?

Don't worry you're not the only one who bought a BMTroubleU, but now you can tell the world your real "BMW Experience" by simply emailing your story and images to rayone2.3456 AT blogger.com you need to replace ' AT ' with an '@' cos I get too much spam (privacy statement)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Final offer to BMW

In the hope of finally getting this nightmare over and done with I emailed the Managing Director Stavros Yallouridis

Dear Stavros.

I apologize for this intrusion on your busy schedule, but I have an issue with a BMW Motorrad K1300R I have been trying to resolve for the past 8 months.

I'm going to be as brief as possible.
I bought a new K1300R which had steering misalignment and it leans to the right from day 1.
Scott Norman of BMW had the bike inspected and the technicians found no fault. After many conversation and inspections I ended up fixing the steering myself. Unfortunately I'm unable to fix the lean.

Attached is a PDF which explain the whole story in more detail and below is my final offer to BMW.

Yours sincerely, 


Dear Scott.

Further to our phone conversation I would like to clarify my position, in the hope that we can resolve the issue amicably and promptly.

I understand your position is that you trust your technicians point of view that there is no fault.
I trust my observations over a significantly longer period of time, I trust my colleagues observation and note that your technicians couldn't fault a glaring issue with the steering alignment.
I consider it a primary requirement that a motorcycle be perfectly aligned and in my 20 years of riding this has always been the case.

My proposal is simple:
1.- I trade in my K1300R for a new K1300R.
2.- We split the cost of the trade in 50/50.

Fraser motorcycles have given me a preliminary quote of $10,000 for a trade in. 
I am prepared to pay $5,000 which should more than adequately cover any value added.

My only motivation is a straight bike, like all the other BMW K1300R's I've ridden and all my other bikes.
The best possible outcome is for me to end up where I started; I am willing to pay $5,000 to end up where I started.

Regardless of your decision I will be trading in my K1300R, because I can't ignore the previously stated observations any longer. If BMW aren't prepared to come to a compromise I will seek to recover all my costs by any means.

I trust you can see how reasonable my offer is and we can put these past 8 months behind us. 

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