Scott Norman called me this evening Wednesday 14th July, said he saw the ebay auction (I told him it was on there last week) and would like to work something out.
He said he'd try and have it worked out by the weekend.
Of course that was a BMW weekend; 2 weeks later I call him and he says he was away for a week and still trying to work something out.
Scott Rioz (auction winner) still hasn't replied to my emails. I think it's too far fetched to believe BMW could have bid on the bike as a prank, and there's no way Scott Norman would use Scott Rioz... but I did also email the marketing manager Miles Davis at BMW, so maybe...

Has BMW been bad to you? Did you buy a New BMW lemon? Have you spent too long at the service shop, dealing with "technicians" who think you're an idiot? Did the electrics start failing? Did your beautiful New BMW start stalling? What about that transmission? Did BMW tell you it was your imagination? Did your sub-frame crack? Did they promise they'd call you soon to arrange something?
Don't worry you're not the only one who bought a BMTroubleU, but now you can tell the world your real "BMW Experience" by simply emailing your story and images to rayone2.3456 AT you need to replace ' AT ' with an '@' cos I get too much spam (privacy statement)
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