Has BMW been bad to you? Did you buy a New BMW lemon? Have you spent too long at the service shop, dealing with "technicians" who think you're an idiot? Did the electrics start failing? Did your beautiful New BMW start stalling? What about that transmission? Did BMW tell you it was your imagination? Did your sub-frame crack? Did they promise they'd call you soon to arrange something?

Don't worry you're not the only one who bought a BMTroubleU, but now you can tell the world your real "BMW Experience" by simply emailing your story and images to rayone2.3456 AT blogger.com you need to replace ' AT ' with an '@' cos I get too much spam (privacy statement)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ox powered BMW protest - China

Miss Ma spent 700,000rmb on buying the BMW 525i in April 2008, she quickly found that the Beemers gearbox would jump out of gear by itself, obviously indicating a possible product defect, then the cars electrical system would die for no reason. Miss Ma claims that one time when the engine cut out when she was in traffic, she nearly crashed into another car. Miss Ma says she has tried to reach an agreement with the dealership, and BMW but both refuse to change her car for a new one, so she feels she was left with no other resort but to take her 5-series to the streets of Guangzhou, outside the dealer she bought the defective car.

At lunch time, two traffic policeman appeared and asked Miss Ma to remove the lettering from the BMW.
Miss Ma later explained her choice of Ox to tow her stricken BMW “I wanted to use a horse, but horses move too quick.” A horse would be symbolic of the Chinese name for BMW, which is lit. ‘Treasure Horse’
Once the Ox and its 5-series train reached the BMW dealership where Miss Ma bought her motor, the workers in the dealership came out to look, people stopped to take a look at the commotion, which eventually forced the BMW dealerships manager to come out and say ‘We need to talk!’, and a few moments later Miss Ma reportedley had reached an agreement with the dealership to fix her 5-series.

However, this approach to getting peoples attention has been done before, by a Mr. Zhao who was also unhappy with his X5

I bought this X5 BMW in 2004. The car cost me almost one million yuan. Because I trusted the BMW brand, I bought the car thinking it would bring convenience to my commute. Instead, it has caused numerous problems over the last three years. The problems have included ignition failure, brake failure, loss of power and loss of directional control of vehicle while driving. These problems have often posted a serious threat to my safety.
These problems have existed since the day I bought the car. I have spent a lot of time and money repairing the car; the car has been repaired in Wenzhou, Nanjing, and Hefei. But each time, the same problem would reappear within a week. I complained to BMW, asking them to justify these repeated problems, and demanded they issue an explanation to affected customers. But my efforts have had no result.
Therefore, in light of BMW’s extreme irresponsibility, I make a formal statement here: I demand a new car or a full refund.
If BMW continues to ignore my requests and refuses to explain themselves, I will call for the public and the media to expose BWM’s behavior and protect my rights as a consumer. I will take following steps since no alternatives exist:
Step one: Buffalo pulling BMW
This stage will last one week. I will use the slogan “BMW is irresponsible to customers, protest against BMW’s poor quality products”. The media (all major newspapers, websites, Phoenix TV , Dagongpao) will be invited to report on the event. I have strong faith in the fairness, justice and trustworthiness of the media. If BMW still doesn’t respond, this activity will be continued for another week with more intense coverage from the media.
Step two: Smashing the car
If the BMW company still doesn’t respond, I will smash the car. The media will report the car smashing in real time to the whole country, the whole of Asia, and the whole world. At this point, I will no longer accept compensation from BMW; I will consider my loss of property the price I paid to keep other potential customers from being fooled as I was fooled.

I call for the consumers of the whole world to protest together: Refuse to buy BMW! Refuse to let BMW enter our countries! BWM is untrustworthy! BMW service is bad!


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  3. Miss Ma's troubling experience with her BMW 525i, encountering gearbox malfunctions and electrical system failures, underscores the importance of prioritizing consumer safety and satisfaction in the automotive industry. Despite her efforts to address these concerns with the dealership and BMW, the lack of a satisfactory resolution has left her feeling compelled to take her grievances to the public. This situation highlights the need for car manufacturers to proactively address product defects and prioritize customer welfare. Exploring options like cash for cars may offer Miss Ma an alternative path forward, but ultimately, the focus should remain on ensuring her safety and resolving the underlying issues with her vehicle, restoring trust and confidence in the brand's commitment to quality and customer care.
